Install beta package
npm install @contentful/f36-datepicker@beta
For yarn:
yarn add @contentful/f36-datepicker@beta
import { Datepicker } from '@contentful/f36-components';// orimport { Datepicker } from '@contentful/f36-datepicker';
Display Datepicker component with text input
Date Formats
Datepicker supports printing out different formats to users, see
At Contentful we use dd LLL yyyy
format to communicate date to users, example 31 Jan 2021
Visual States
Visual states indicates to users certain messages through UI.
Communicate to the users in text why the Datepicker is in a specific state, example:
Disabled: "You don't have access to edit this field!" Invalid: "Please enter a valid date!"
Wrapped in FormControl
You can use Datepicker with the FormControl in order to enhance layout with input label, help text or validation message.
Open by default
Open the dropdown and display the Calendar by default without user interaction
If you need a custom solution, you can build it by leveraging our lower-level components, such as Calendar, Popover, and TextInput. For example, Datepicker that uses text input as a trigger without a button.
Props (API reference)
Open in StorybookName | Type | Default |
onSelect required | (day: Date) => void Callback fired when the day is selected | |
captionLayout | "dropdown" "buttons" Change the layout of the caption: - `buttons` (default): display prev/right buttons - `dropdown`: display drop-downs to change the month and the year **Note:** the `dropdown` layout is available only when `fromDate`, `fromMonth` or`fromYear` and `toDate`, `toMonth` or `toYear` are set. | |
className | string CSS class to be appended to the root element | |
components | CustomComponents A map of components used to create the layout. | |
dateFormat | string Format that is used to display date in the input, It is based on (Unicode Technical Standart #35)[] | 'dd LLL yyyy' e.g. 31 Jan 2022 |
defaultIsOpen | false true If `true`, the Datepicker will be initially opened. | |
defaultMonth | Date The initial month to show in the calendar. Default is the current month. Use this prop to let DayPicker control the current month. If you need to set the month programmatically, use [[month]] and [[onMonthChange]]. | |
dir | string The text direction of the calendar. Use `ltr` for left-to-right (default) or `rtl` for right-to-left. | |
disabled | false true Date (date: Date) => boolean Date[] DateRange DateBefore DateAfter DateInterval DayOfWeek Matcher[] Apply the `disabled` modifier to the matching days. | |
disableNavigation | false true Disable the navigation between months. | |
fixedWeeks | false true Display six weeks per months, regardless the month’s number of weeks. To use this prop, [[showOutsideDays]] must be set. Default to `false`. | |
footer | string number false true {} ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> ReactNodeArray ReactPortal Content to add to the `tfoot` element. | |
formatters | Partial<Formatters> A map of formatters. Use the formatters to override the default formatting functions. | |
fromDate | Date The earliest day to start the month navigation. | |
hidden | false true Date (date: Date) => boolean Date[] DateRange DateBefore DateAfter DateInterval DayOfWeek Matcher[] Apply the `hidden` modifier to the matching days. Will hide them from the calendar. | |
hideHead | false true Hide the month’s head displaying the weekday names. | |
initialFocus | false true When a selection mode is set, DayPicker will focus the first selected day (if set) or the today's date (if not disabled). Use this prop when you need to focus DayPicker after a user actions, for improved accessibility. | |
inputProps | Partial<TextInputProps> Props to pass to the TextInput component | |
labels | Partial<Labels> Labels creators to override the defaults. Use this prop to customize the ARIA labels attributes. | |
locale | Locale The date-fns locale object used to localize dates. Defaults to* `en-US`. | |
modifiers | DayModifiers Add modifiers to the matching days. | |
modifiersClassNames | ModifiersClassNames Change the class name for the day matching the [[modifiers]]. | |
modifiersStyles | ModifiersStyles Change the inline style for the day matching the [[modifiers]]. | |
month | Date The month to display in the calendar. As opposed to [[defaultMonth]], use this prop with [[onMonthChange]] to change the month programmatically. | |
numberOfMonths | number The number of displayed months. Defaults to `1`. | |
onDayBlur | DayFocusEventHandler | |
onDayClick | DayClickEventHandler | |
onDayFocus | DayFocusEventHandler | |
onDayKeyDown | DayKeyboardEventHandler | |
onDayKeyPress | DayKeyboardEventHandler | |
onDayKeyUp | DayKeyboardEventHandler | |
onDayMouseEnter | DayMouseEventHandler | |
onDayMouseLeave | DayMouseEventHandler | |
onDayTouchCancel | DayTouchEventHandler | |
onDayTouchEnd | DayTouchEventHandler | |
onDayTouchMove | DayTouchEventHandler | |
onDayTouchStart | DayTouchEventHandler | |
onMonthChange | MonthChangeEventHandler Event fired when the user navigates between months. | |
onNextClick | MonthChangeEventHandler | |
onPrevClick | MonthChangeEventHandler | |
onWeekNumberClick | WeekNumberClickEventHandler | |
pagedNavigation | false true Paginate the month navigation displaying the [[numberOfMonths]] at time. | |
popoverProps | Partial<PopoverProps> Props to pass to the Popover (Dropdown) component | |
required | false true Make the selection required. | |
reverseMonths | false true Render the months in reversed order (when [[numberOfMonths]] is greater than `1`) to display the most recent month first. | |
selected | Date The selected day. | |
showOutsideDays | false true Show the outside days. An outside day is a day falling in the next or the previous month. Default is `false`. | |
showWeekNumber | false true Show the week numbers column. Default to `false`. | |
styles | Partial<Omit<StyledElement<CSSProperties>, InternalModifiersElement>> Change the inline styles for each UIElement. | |
testId | string A [data-test-id] attribute used for testing purposes | |
toDate | Date The latest day to end the month navigation. | |
today | Date The today’s date. Default is the current date. This Date will get the `today` modifier to style the day. | |
weekStartsOn | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 The index of the first day of the week (0 - Sunday). Overrides the locale's one. |
- Keyboard navigation is supported
- Necessary aria roles are provided by default
- When providing a label, ensure it's linked to the text input